1. W. David, S.T. Hossain, J. Chang and L. Feng (Eds). Book of Global Organic Agricultural Innovations. IFOAM Asia and Xichong County, Sichuan Province, China. Published by Universitas Bakrie Press. ISBN: 978-602-7989-58-0 (PDF). https://www.ifoamasia.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Global-Organic-Agricultural-Innovations.pdf
2. S T Hossain and T Pandit. Applications and Commercialization of Biopesticides in Bangladesh. Workshop on Technology, Implementation and Policy Review of Biofertilizers and Biopesticides.(Proceedings) Seoul, Korea (8-10 May).
3. S.T. Hossain. Green Agricultural Policies and Strategies in Asia. UN-FAO Regional Conference on Green Agriculture : Advancing on Green Policies for Agrifood Systems Transfornation in Europe and Central Asia. Yerevan, Armenia (29-31 May 2024).
1. M M Kabir, M A Hossain, M P Ali, M N Bari, S S Haque, S T Hossain and J Datta. Management of Insect Pest in Rice Seedbed using a novel rectangular hand net (RHN) for insecticide free seedlings. International Journal of Business, Social and Scientific Research. Vol 11 (1) pp. 19-22. DOI: http://doi.org/10.55706/ijbssr11104
1. S T Hossain, J Chang and V A JF Tagupa. 2022. Developments in the organic sector in Asia in 2020. Asia Chapter of the book “The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics & Emerging Trends 2021” by Willer H., J. Travnicek, C. Meier and B. Schiatter. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick and IFOAM Organics International, Bonn. Pp 201-214. https://www.organic-world.net/yearbook/yearbook-2022.html
2. P V Mele, J Nalunga, E Masolaki, S Mohapatra, M Lingireddy, N Pakki, A B Bankole, N F Barres, V Mlenga, F W Segfrou, E Rahman, A Salahuddin and S T Hossain. 2022. Building Youth Entrepreneurship by Using Digital Organic Farming Resources. Proceedings of 5th Organic Asia Congress & IFOAM Asia 10th Anniversary.13-15 Oct, South Korea. Page 114-118.
3. S M R Huque, S T Hossain and M B Rana. 2022. Organic Marketing and Blockchain. Proceedings of 2nd International Organic Marketing Conference. 6-8 Oct, South Korea. Page 216-224.
4. M J Uddin, A Rahmat, S T Hossain, A S M M Kibria and A H M Z Ali. 2022. Climate Smart Approaches to Enhance Carbon Sequestration in the Coastal Ecosystems of Bangladesh. Proceedings of ISOFAR scientific workshops at the 2nd Organic Expo, 1-3 Oct, South Korea. Page 117-121.
5. S M R Huque, S T Hossain and M B Rana. Utilization of urban bio-waste for rooftop gardening.2022. Proceedings of ISOFAR scientific workshops at the 2nd Organic Expo, October 1-3, South Korea. Page 82-86.
6. G Rahmann, M R Ardakani, W David, S T Hossain, J Mayer, D Neuhoff, A Sciligo and S Zikeli. 2022. Research for Organic Agriculture to tackle future challenges. Proceedings of ISOFAR international scientific workshops at the 2nd International Organic Expo. 1-3 Oct 1-3, South Korea. Page: 1-314. http://www.isofar.org/
1. S. T. Hossain, Chang, J. and Tagupa, V.A.J.F. 2021. Developments in the organic sector in Asia in 2020. Asia Chapter of the book “The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics & Emerging Trends 2021” by Willer H., J. Travnicek, C. Meier and B. Schiatter. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick and IFOAM Organics International, Bonn. Pp 198-207.
2. S.M.R. Huque , S.T. Hossain and M.B. Rana. 2021. Trustworthiness Challenges and Pathway to Foster Organic Movement in Bangladesh. Supply and Value Chain Forum. 20th Organic World Congress. Rennes, France. 6-10 September. Page 16.
3. S.M.R. Huque, S.T. Hossain and M.B. Rana. 2021. Culturally Adaptive Blockchain for Organic Product Marketing. The 7th ALGOA and 2nd GAOD Summits Proceedings. October 26th – 29th, 2021, Goesan County, South Korea. Page 64-70.
S.T. Hossain, W. David, J. Chang and L. Feng (Eds). 2020. Book of Innovative Cases of Organic Agriculture in Asia. IFOAM Asia and Xichong County, Sichuan Province, China. Published by Universitas Bakrie Press. ISBN: 978-602-7989-39-9 (PDF). https://asia.ifoam.bio/download-the-innovative-cases-of-organic-agriculture-in-asia/
S.T. Hossain and O. Sosenko. 2020. Agricultural insurance from an Asian perspective: pathway to productivity. AgroInsurance potal. https://agroinsurance.com/en/agricultural-insurance-from-an-asian-perspective-pathway-to-productivity/
S.T. Hossain. 2020. The Asian Productivity Organization’s New Vision 2025: Recognition of Persons with Disabilities for Inclusive Engagement and Agricultural Development. FOCUS Vol. 4. China Productivity Center (CPC), Republic of China (Taiwan). pp 20-25. https://www.apo-coegp.org/ebook/2020/04/flipviewerxpress.html
S. T. Hossain. Impacts of COVID-19 on the Agri-food Sector: Food Security Policies of Asian Productivity Organization Members. Virtual Forum on The Impacts of COVID-19 on World Food Security: Actions and Measures. Organized by King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia on 21 July 2020.
S. T Hossain, Khan, S.I. and S.M. F. Akbar. Consumers’ Preferences for Safe and Organic Food during and Post-COVID-19. Food Science Technology (FAT2020) Virtual Forum 13-14 July 2020. https://food-chemistry-technology-conferences.magnusgroup.org/speakers/webinar-speakers
S.T. Hossain. The Status of Organic Agriculture in Asia. ALGOA Organic Foundation Course (OFC). A Reader for Organic Development. Published in the Republic of Korea by IFOAM – Organics Asia, September 2020. page 62-66.
J. Lernoud, H. Willer and S. T. Hossain. Organic Agriculture Around the World – A Snapshot. ALGOA Organic Foundation Course (OFC). A Reader for Organic Development. Published in the Republic of Korea by IFOAM – Organics Asia, September 2020. page 58-61.
S.T. Hossain. Impacts of COVID-19 on the Agri-food Sector: Food Security Policies of Asian Productivity Organization Members. Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka, 15(2), pp.116–132. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/jas.v15i2.8794
S. T. Hossain and J. Chang. Developments in the organic sector in Asia in 2019. Asia Chapter of the book “The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics & Emerging Trends 2020” by Willer H., B. Schiatter, J. Travnicek, L. Kemper and J. Lernoud. 2020. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick and IFOAM Organics International, Bonn. Pp 202-208. https://www.organic-world.net/yearbook/yearbook-2020.h
Kanoktanaporn, S., Diao, X., Matsushita, S., Aoyogi, Y., Briones, M. R., Jiang, J. A., Takeshima, H., Saeed, M., , Hossain, S. T., Watanabe, K. and Parth., S. 2019. APO Agricultural Transformation Framework. Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Tokyo, Japan (http://www.apo-tokyo.org/publications/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/APO-Agricultural-Transformation-Framework.pdf)
Sugimoto, H., Ochi, Y., Asagi, N., Morokuma, M., Araki,. T. and Hossain, S. T.Jellyfish Chips as a Weed Controller and Fertilizer for Organic Rice Production. 2019. International Forum-Agriculture, Biology, and Life Science. Bangkok, Thailand 15-17 March 2019.
S. T. Hossain. Role of Innovations for Nurturing a Culture of Improvement in Organic Agriculture. Key note speech at the 6 th Organic Farming Innovation Award, NOFA Summer Conference, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. 10-11 Aug 2019.(https://www.ifoam.bio/en/events/sixth-organic-farming-innovation-award-summit).
Sugimoto, H., Ochi, Y., Asagi, N., Morokuma, M., Kato, H., Araki,. T. and Hossain, S.T. Rice Production and Weed Suppression by Combined Application of Jellyfish Chips and Rice Bran. Japanese Journal of Crop Science 88(4):246-252.
S. T. Hossain.Agritourism Models in Asia for Development of Rural Enterprise. 1st World Congress on Agritourism. 7-9 November 2018. Bolzano, Italy. (http://agritourism.eurac.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/wac_2018_book_of_abstracts_061118_Final.pdf)
S.T. Hossain.Innovations in Organic Farming in Asia and beyond. Asian Local Governments for Organic Agriculture (ALGOA) Organic Training Course. 18-21 April 2018. Goesan, South Korea.
S.T. Hossain. Emerging global trends and concepts in food safety (presentation). Forum on Strengthening Food Safety Standards (APO-CIRDAP Collaboration project). 5-8 March 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka
S.T. Hossain. Innovative Zero Energy Cold Chamber for Small-scale Farm Households (presentation) . APO Workshop on innovations in postharvest handling of perishables. 20-24 May 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
J. Uddin, ASM, Mohiuddin and S. T. Hossain. Identification of vulnerable sites for the adoption of organic farming using geo-spatial technologies in Bangladesh. 3rdOrganic Asia Congress, Bislig city, Philippines, 18-21 September 2018. (http://ifoam.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/42-IDENTIFICATION-OF-VULNERABLE-SITES-FOR-THE-ADOPTION-OF-ORGANIC-FARMING-USING-GEO-SPATIAL-TECHNOLOGIES-IN-BANGLADESH-Abstract_IFOAM-Asia-JU-STH.pdf)
S.T. Hossain. Policies Enhancing Organic Farming and Assessing its Environmental and Ecological Impacts in Asian Countries (Guest Speaker). International Conference on Environmental and Ecological Assessment of Organic Farming organized by National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (NAS), RDA and Korean Association of Organic Agriculture (KAOA), 22-23 June. Seoul, Korea.
H. Sugimoto, T. Araki, M. Morokuma, and S. T. Hossain. Combined application of oil cake and rice bran reduced the number of weeds and increased the yield of paddy rice in a paddy field incorporated with white clover. 9th Asian Crop Science Association (ACSA) Conference, Jeju South Korea, 4- 8 June, 2017. P. 353.
S. Rahman, M. M. H. Kazal and S. T. Hossain. Impact of urea price change on the economic optimum level of N fertilizer use in HYV rice and its yield in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.36(1-2)p. 1-24(https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/258301?ln=en)
S. T. Hossain.Innovative Zero Energy Cold Chamber for Small-scale Farm Households (presentation) . APO Workshop on Cold Chain and Logistics Management for Agrifood Products. 11-15 Dec 2017, Nadi, Fiji.
M. J. Uddin, A. S. M. Mohiuddin, M. S. Rahman and S.T. Hossain. Predicting Spatial Variability of Soil Organic Carbon in some Meghna Alluvial Soils of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the International Soil Conference (ISC) held on August 18-21, 2015 in Phetchaburi, Thailand, p. 126.
S.M.R. Huque, S.T. Hossainand M.B. Rana. Trustworthiness of Organic Produces in Urban Market: Innovation through Quick Response (QR) Code. Proceedings of Regional Conference on Marketing & Innovation in Organic Farming held on October 02-03, 2015 in Goesan Country, South Korea.
S.T. Hossain. Innovation Priorities for Productivity Increases in Organic South Asia (invited speaker). Regional Conference on Marketing & Innovation in Organic Farming held on October 02-03, 2015 in Goesan Country, South Korea.
S.T. Hossain. Agritourism and homestays for development of rural enterprises and generation of alternative incomes for farm households (Resource speaker). National Conference on Enhancing the Role of Mass Media Practitioners in Knowledge Transfer to Improve Agricultural Productivity held on September 20-22, Dhaka, Bangladesh organized by National Productivity Organization (NPO)-Bangladesh, Ministry of Industries.
S.T. Hossain. Strategies and selected models of agribusiness enterprises to improve farmers’ income (Resource speaker). National Conference on Enhancing the Role of Mass Media Practitioners in Knowledge Transfer to Improve Agricultural Productivity held on September 20-22, Dhaka, Bangladesh organized by National Productivity Organization (NPO)-Bangladesh, Ministry of Industries.
S.T. Hossain. Organic sack gardening for increased agricultural productivity and household incomes. APO News. Volume 45 Number 6 (ISSN: 1728-0834) November–December 2015. Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, Japan. Pp. 5-6.
S. T. Hossain. 2014. Vegetable production in sack: an alternative approach to building urban agriculture. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 1054:95-100. http://www.actahort.org/books/1054/1054_10.htm
S. T. Hossain. The Importance of Climate Prediction on Agriculture in Perspective of Bangladesh. InterMet Asia Conference at Singapore in Singapore on June 02-03, 2014.
S. T. Hossainand M J Uddin. Sedimentation hazards and sustainable land management: a case study of the Lobar haor, Bangladesh. Proc. In 20th World Congress of Soil Science. June 08-13, 2014. Jeju. Korea, P2-253 (https://www.iuss.org/meetings-events/world-soil-congress/)
S. T.Hossain. Vermi-compost production to enterprise: case studies from Bangladesh. Practitioners’ Track, 18thIFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, 13-15 Oct., 2014. Istanbul, Turkey
Niggli, U., Baker, B., Ssebunya, B., Cuoco, E., Wivstad, M., Soto, G., Hossain, T.S. et. al. (2014). A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM, TIPI. First Draft, Frick, Switzerland.
- S.T.Hossain. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security of Bangladesh – Issues and Recommendations. Book Chapterof Multifunctional Agriculture, Ecology and Food: International perspectives. Nova Science Publishers Inc., NewYork. USA, pp. 257-268.
- S.T. Hossain. The role of organic entrepreneurship and innovation for poverty alleviation and development. Proc.- Asia-Pacific Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Organic Farming on Dec 2-4,2013 at Bangkok, Thailand.
- M.J. Uddin and S.T. Hossain. Advisory services on organic farming using ICT’s in Bangladesh. Proc.- Asia-Pacific Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Organic Farming on Dec 2-4,2013 at Bangkok, Thailand.
- S.T. Hossain, Sugimoto, H., Asagi, N., Araki, T., Ueno, H., Morokuma, M. & Kato, H. 2013. The use of desalinated-dried jellyfish and rice bran for controlling weeds and rice yield. Journal of Organic Systems. 8(1): 28-37.
- M.J.Uddin, ASM Mohiuddin, S.T. Hossainand M.A. Hakim. Eco-environmental Changes of Wetland Resources of Hakaluki haor in Bangladesh Using GIS Technology. Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species. 1:103. p. 1-4
- S.T. Hossain. Weeds in Bangladesh: Issues and challenges. Keynote paper. Proc. of 4 th Conference of Weed Science Society of Bangladesh at Dhaka in May 03, 2013.
- M. P. Islam, T. Morimoto, K. Hatou, L. Hassan, M. A. Awal, T. Hossain.Case study about field trial responses of the Zero Energy Storage System. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal, 15 (4) : 212-218.
- S.T. Hossain, M.J. Uddin and H. Sugimoto. 2013. Recycling and reuse of kitchen waste for sustainable agriculture and as renewable energy in north-eastern Bangladesh. 2ndInternational Conference on Biodiversity & Sustainable Energy Development. Aug 12-14, 2013. Raleigh,NC, USA. Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography 2013. 3(4): 80.
- S. T. Hossain, M.J. Uddin and H. Sugimoto. Vermi-compost to improve tomato production in Bangladesh. Proc.- 3rdInt. Conference on Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia on Dec. 10-15, 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 262-263.
- S. T. Hossain. Organic farming in populated area: Bangladesh – an example of case study. Proc.- Annual Meeting and Int. Symposium of Korean Association of Organic Agriculture on Oct 18-20, 2012 in South Korea. Pp. 105-113.
- S. T. Hossain. Organic rice of Bangladesh: focus on disease control. Proc.- Int. Conference of 50thAnniversary of the Korean Society of Plant Pathology (KSPP) on Globalization, Climate Change, and Technological Convergence : Challenge and opportunity of Plant Pathology on Oct. 24-27, 2012 in Seoul National University, Korea. P. 55.
- S. T. Hossainand K. Melvani. The adoption of Landcare approaches for sustainable livelihoods in Bangladesh. Proc. Australian National Landcare Conference, Sydney, Australia from Sept 2-5, 2012. p. 50.
- Sugimoto, H.,T.Hossain, N. Asagi, H. Ueno, T. Araki and M. Morokuma. Role of dried jellyfish as an innovative means of organic rice production. Proc.- 6th Int. Weed Science Congress, Hangzhou, China, 17-22 June, 2012.
- J. Uddin, A. S. M. Mohiuddin and S. T. Hossain. A Study on Changes in Wetland Ecosystems and Biodiversity in the Sylhet Basins of Bangladesh: A GIS Approach. Proc.- South Asian Regional Conference on Natural Resource Conservation in the Developing Countries Under the Changing Climate. 28-29 Feb.-01 March 2012. Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. P.96.
- Khan M.S.I, S.M.F. Akbar, T. Hossain, M Mahatab, M.M. Hossain and Z. Idrus, Possible route of transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus type H5N1 in family poultry at rural Bangladesh. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, Vol.32 (1) : 112-116.
- S.T. Hossain, H. Konagaya, T. Furuno and H. Sugimoto. Evaluating the benefits of integrated rice –duck farming as organic system in Bangladesh. Proc.- 1st Int. Organic Rice Conference, Montpellier, France, Aug 27-30, 2012. pp. 75-76.
- S. T. Hossainand S. Akter. Organic sack garden ensuring nutrition and improve the food security on small scale households. Proc.- 17th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2011 Sep. 26–Oct. 5, 2011,Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
- J. Uddin, A. S. M. Mohiuddin and S. T. Hossain. Eco-environmental Changes of Hail HaorWetland Resources under Sylhet Basin of Bangladesh due to Sedimentation: A GIS Approach. Proc.- 2nd International Conference on Environment Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB) ,Fukuoka, Japan on September 10-11., 2011. pp. 127-129.
- S.T. Hossain, H. Konagaya, T. Furuno and H. Sugimoto. Environment-friendly Rice –Duck Farming System in Bangladesh –Progress & Prospect. Proc.- nd International Conference on Environment Aspects of Bangladesh(ICEAB) ,Fukuoka, Japan on September 10-11., 2011. pp. 212-214.
- M.K.A. Bhuiyan, G.J.U. Ahmed, A.J. Mridha, M.G. Ali, J.A. Begum and S. T. Hossain. Performance of Oxadiargyl 400SC for weed control in transplanted rice. Bangladesh Journal of Weed Science. 1(1) : 57-63.
- S. T. Hossain, M. S. Ahmed and K. M. Mosharof. Relay intercropping potato with sugarcane for adaptation with climate changes in river basin (char) areas. Int. Conference on Crop Production under Changing Climate in Bangladesh : Agronomic Options.Bangladesh Society of Agronomy. Oct 6-7, 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh. p.11.
- M. A. Akter, M. G. Miah, S. T. Hossain, M. Fatema and M. Mahmudunnabi. Indigenous medicinal plant species and their relative prevalence in homestead and crop field at north-west region in Bangladesh. Eco-friendly Agriculture Journal. 3(8) : 349-357.
- M. A. Akter, M. G. Miah, S. T. Hossain, M. Fatema and R. K. Menon. Homestead and crop field indigenous medicinal plant species and their uses in Bangladesh. Eco-friendly Agriculture Journal. 3(8) : 365-370.
- M. A. Akter, M. G. Miah, S. T. Hossain, M. Fatema and R. K. Menon. Conservation of endangered indigenous medicinal plant species in homestead and crop field in Bangladesh. Eco-friendly Agriculture Journal. 3(8) : 371-375.
- S. T. Hossain.Improvement of Rural Livelihood through Integrated Rice-Duck Farming System in Bangladesh. Proc. 6 th Int. Rice-Ducks Conference, Cebu, Philippines, Feb 2009. pp. 1-10.
- S. T. Hossain, H. Sugimoto, J. Yamashita and J. M. Alcaraz. Agrochemical-free, direct -sowing culture of a paddy with non-woven fabric mulch – Timing of puddling and leveling and basal fertilizer application -. Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research, 44 (1) : 01-09.
- Khan MI, Akbar SF, S. T. Hossain, Mahtab M. A. Swine influenza (H1N1) pandemic: developing countries’ perspective. Rural and Remote Health9 (online), 2009: 1262.
- H. Sugimoto, S. T. Hossain, K. Mitsumune, R. Konishi, Y. Sato, H. Ueno, N. Asagi, T. Ezaki and Y. Edashige. 2008. Uses of desalinated-dried Jellyfish for the purpose of developing a new organic rice cultivation technology. Japanese Journal of Crop Science (Jap.). 228 (Extra issue 2) : 26-27.
- S. T. Hossain,H. Sugimoto and J. Yamashita. 2007. Effect of topdressing on individual leaf photosynthesis at different position in direct-sowing rice with non-woven fabric mulch system. PHOTOSYNTHETICA. 45(4) : 576-581.
- S. T. Hossain,H. Sugimoto, H. Uenoand S.M. Rafiul Haque. 2007. Adoption of Organic Rice for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh. Journal of Organic Systems. 2 (2) : 27-37.
- S. T. Hossain, H. Sugimoto and J. Yamashita.2007.Comparison of cloth and paper mulch in direct-sowing rice cultivation. Shikoku Journal of Crop Science (Japan), No. 44.
- S.T. Hossain, H. Sugimoto, and J. Yamashita. 2007. Evaluation of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) as an alternative nutrient source in direct- sowing rice with non-woven fabric mulch system. Proc.-6th European Grain Legume Conference- Integrating legume biology for sustainable agriculture–, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 12-16, 2007.
- Sugimoto, S.T. Hossain and Y. Koesmaryono. 2007. Effects of the incorporation amount of Chinese milk vetch as green manure on photosynthesis and partitioning of 13C-labeled photosynthate in buckwheat plant. Proc.- 6th European Grain Legume Conference, Lisbon, Portugal Nov. 12-16, 2007.
1. S. T. Hossain, H. Sugimoto and J. Yamashita. Agrochemical-free, direct-sowing culture of a paddy with non-woven fabric mulch: Effects of sowing time and fertilizer type. Proc.- 13th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, held on Perth, Australia on Sept. 10-14, 2006.
2. S. T. Hossain, H. Sugimoto and J. Yamashita. Development of weed management technique with special reference to direct-sowing culture of a paddy with industrial product non-woven fabric mulch. Proc.- Int. Conference on Science and: Application in Industry and Education 2006 (ICSTIE 2006), Pinang, Malaysia Dec. 8-9, 2006.
3. S. T. Hossain, Y. Hino, H. Sugimoto and J. Yamashita. 2006.Agrochemical-free, direct-sowing culture of a paddy with non-woven fabric mulch–Timing of puddling and basal fertilization-. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. Vol. 75 (Extra issue 2): 32-33.
4. S. T. Hossain, H. Sugimoto, A.Ookawa, K. MItsumune and J. Yamashita. Agrochemical-free direct-sowing culture of a paddy by non-woven fabric mulch-Effects of topdressing on individual leaf photosynthesis at different position. Shikoku Journal of Crop Science. No. 43: 72-73
1. S. T. Hossain, H. Sugimoto, G.J.U. Ahmed and M. R. Islam. Effect of integrated rice-duck farming on rice yield, farm productivity, and rice-provisioning ability of farmers. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD). Regional Center for Graduate study and Research in Agriculture, Philippines. Vol 2 Nos. 1 & 2. pp 79-86.
2. S. T. Hossain,H. Sugimoto and J. Yamashita. Agrochemical- free, direct sowing culture of a paddy with non-woven fabric mulch- Effect of nitrogen fertilizer. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology (Japan), Vol. 60 No. 5 pp. 925-928.
1. S. T. Hossain,H. Sugimoto and J. Yamashita. Agrochemical -free, direct sowing culture of a paddy by mulching with non-woven fabric – amount of basal nitrogen and topdressing-. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. Vol. 73 (Extra issue 1): 228-229.
2. S. T. Hossain, H. Sugimoto, J. Yamashita and Y. Nakajima. Agrochemical -free, direct sowing culture of a paddy with non-woven fabric mulch- Effect on sowing depth on dry matter production and yield -. Shikoku Journal of Crop Science (Japan). No. 41 : 32-33.
3. S. T. Hossain,G. J. U. Ahmed, M. R. Islam and A.A. Mahbub. A Comparative study of rice-duck and conventional rice farming system in respect of yield and economic return. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology. Vol. 2 (1) pp. 35-38.
4. J.U. Ahmed, S. T. Hossain, Md. R. Islam and Md. F. Rabbi. Rice-duck farming reduces weeding and insecticide requirement and increases grain yield and income of farmers. International Rice Research Notes. IRRI (Philippines). Vol 29 No. 1 pp. 74-77.
5. J.U. Ahmed,S.T. Hossain, M.R. Islam and M.F. Rabbi. Performance of Rice-Duck farming on weed and insect control, grain yield and economic return.Bangladesh Agronomy Jour. 10(1&2): 73-77.
6. S. T. Hossain*, H. Sugimoto, J. Yamashita and E. Tachi. Agrochemical-free, direct sowing culture of a paddy by mulching with non-woven fabric ¨ Yield deviation due to low temperature and sunshine hour- Conference proceedings World Rice Research Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 5-7 Nov. 2004. p.283.
7. Gazi, A.*, Shaikh, M. Islam, M. Khan, J. Biswas. Effect of rice-duck farming on plant growth, grain yield and farm productivity. Proc.- World Rice Research Conference (WRRC), Tsukuba, Japan, 5-7 November 2004. p.315
8. G.J.U.Ahmed, T. Hossain, M.R. Islam, M.A. Khan and J.P. Biswas. Integration of rice cum duck farming for resource poor farm households. Workshop Proceedings of the Emerging Technologies of PETRRA Sub-projects. Organized by BRRI-PETRRA-IRRI, Gazipur. 23-24 May, 2004. pp 242-254.
1. S. T. Hossain.Integrated rice-duck farming in eastern-part of Bangladesh. Shikoku Journal of Crop Science (Japan). No. 40: 8-9.
2. Sugimoto, J. Yamashita, E. Tachi, S. T. Hossain, R. Ito and T. Fujimoto. Agrochemical -free, direct sowing culture of a paddy by mulching with non-woven fabric – weed control, lodging and yield-. Japan Journal of Crop Science. Vol. 72 (extra issue 1):12-13.
3. Sugimoto,S. T. Hossain, J. Yamashita and E. Tachi. Agrochemical -free, direct sowing culture of a paddy by mulching with non-woven fabric -Emergence of rice seedling and weed. Shikoku Journal of Crop Science (Japan). No. 40 :10-11.
1. J.K. Biswas, H. Ando, M.A. Siddiquee, R. Yasmeen, S. T. Hossainand A.A. Mahbub. Organic acids toxicity on seeding attributes of anoxia tolerant rice genotypes grown in hypoxia. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 5(1) : 36-39.
2. A.A.Mahbub, A.R.Gomosta, M.A. Siddiquee and S. T. Hossain. Effect of different nitrogen levels and water depths on lodging of BRRI dhan32. Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. Vol. 6: 253-263.
3. S. Dipti, S. T. Hossain, M. N. Bari and K.A. Kabir. Physiochemical and cooking properties of some fine rice varieties. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 1 (4): 188-190.
4. K.R.Haque and S. T. Hossain. Technology transfer in Agriculture – Issues and constraints. The Sunshine. Published by JICA Alumnei Association of Bangladesh. Vol. 10. No. X . P. 23-25
1. G.J.U. Ahmed, A.A. Mamun, S.M.A. Hossain, A.J. Mridha and T. Hossain. Effect of combination of weed control methods on weed growth and performance of direct seeded Aus rice. Journal of Agricultural Education and Technology (Bangladesh), Vol.3 No. 1.
2. J.K. Biswas, H. Ando, K. Kaluda, M.A. Siddiquee, S. T. Hossainand Sunil Kumar Biswas. Comparative toxicity of aliphatic and aromatic acids on seeding attributes of anoxia-tolerant rice (Oriza sativa L.) genotypes grown in hypoxia. Pakistan J. of Biological Sciences 4(11) : 1341-1344.
3. J.K. Biswas, H. Ando, R. Yasmeen, S. T. Hossain, M.A. Siddiquee, and A.J. Mridha. Seeding establishment of an anoxia-tolerant rice genotype as affected by soil source and days after submergence. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 4(12) : 1495-1497.
4. S. T. Hossain, M. S. Islam and G. J. U. Ahmed. Performance of Wokozim, a growth promoter in combination of inorganic fertilizer on irrigated rices (Abstract). 7 th Biennial Agronomy Conference. Bangladesh Society of Agronomy. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. April 18, 2001..p.46.
1. S. T. Hossain,S. U. Bhuiyan, M. A. Islam, M.A. Kashem and M.A. Mannan. Effect of water stress on the performance of yield of fine rice. Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. 6(2): 389-395.
2. S. T. Hossain,G.J.U. Ahmed, M.R. Islam and A.A. Mahbub. Role of ducks in controlling weed and insects in integrated rice-duck farming. Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. 6(2): 424-427.
3. J.K. Biswas, M.S. Pervin, M.A. Siddiquee, S. T. Hossain, A.A. Mahbuband M.R.Islam. Genotype response of Rice (ORYZA SATIVAL) seedling growth as affected by Volatile Fatty acids. Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. 6(2): 396-400.
4. A.A. Mahbub, A.R. Gomosta, S. T. Hossainand M.A. Siddiquee. Effect of Nitrogen levels on the growth dynamics and yield of indigenous and exotic rice varieties. Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. 6(2): 401-408.
1. S. T. Hossainand G.J.U.Ahmed. Performance of three herbicides in controlling weeds in boro rice. Journal of Agricultural Education and Technology (Bangladesh), Vol.2. No. 1.
2. T. MIZUOCHI, G.J.U.Ahmed, T. Hossain and M.B. Rahman. Effect of Ca-cyanamide application in Bangladesh rice field. Abstract of the annual meeting. Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. Vol. 45 : 216.
3. A.B.M.B.U. Pathan, A.K. Chowdhury, M. Ishaque, T. Hossainand U.A. Nahar. Growth and yield of lowland rice in there soils with varying level of nutrients and ammended with Zinc and Boron. Journal of Agricultural Education and Technology , 2 (1) : 21-24.
4. A.B.M.B.U. Pathan, A.K.Chowdhury, M. Ishaque, T. Hossainand M.A.H.S. Jahan. Nutrient concentrations in some soils of Bangladesh as influeced by Zinc and Boron application. Journal of Agricultural Education and Technology. 2 (1): 29-32 .
5. A. Hakim, S.M. Shahidullah, M.R.Islam, M. Begum and S. T. Hossain. Influence of Aphid infestation on different Mustard genotypes. Journal of Agricultural Education and Technology. 2 (2): 121-126.
6. G.J.U. Ahmed, T. Hossain, M.B. Rahman and M.S. Kabir. Chemical weed control in wet-seeded rice. Proc.- International conference on weeds. 15-18 Nov, 1999. Brighton, United Kingdom. pp. 243-248.
1. S. T. Hossain, G.J.U.Ahmed, M.S.Kabir, Z.U.Ahmed and S.Khondkar. Studies on the effectiveness of Setoff herbicide to control weed in Boro rice. Ban Rice Jour, Vol. 9 (1&2) : 29-37.
2. G.J.U. Ahmed, A.A. Mamun, S.M.A. Hossain, A.J. Mridha and T. Hossain.Agro-economic study of weeds control in direct-seeded aus rice in the farmer field. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture, Vol. 8 (2) : 111-118.
3. F.R. Miah, Z.U. Ahmed, T. Hossain, N. Ahmed and A.U. Sarker. Effect of sulfur on the yield and quality of Mustard. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture, Vol. 8, No. 2.
4. G.J.U. Ahmed, T. Hossain, M.B.Rahman, M.S.Kabir and M.N.Bari. Chemical weed control in wet-seeded rice. Journal of Agricultural Education and Technology. 1(2): 75-80.
5. G.J.U. Ahmed, T. Hossain, M.B.Rahman. Effect of Double transplanting on the growth and yield of transplant aman rice. J. Ag Edu and Tech.. 1(2): 136-141.
6. S. T. Hossain, A. Rochyana, F.G. Hipe, P. Sutigoolabud. Effect of different nitrogen application methods on the yield of paddy rice. Tsukuba Int. Centre, JICA, TBC JR 98-223.
7. S. T. Hossain. A. Rochyana, F.G. Hipe, P. Sutigoolabud. Effect of of seed coating of calcium peroxide on establishment of Rice under different temperature ranges. Tsukuba International Centre, JICA. TBC JR 98-223.
8. S. T. Hossainand A. Rochyana. The survey Report on Farm household in Japan. Tsukuba International Centre, Japan, JICA. TBC 98-237.
1. G.J.U. Ahmed, A.J. Mridha, S. T. Hossain, M.J.U. Chowdhury and M.A. Islam. Effect of Rotary and Hand weeding on the weed control of lowland rice. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 22(1): 93-99.
2. A. H. Khan, M.A.Rashid, M. Nasim, M.A.Muttalib, A.S.M. Masudizzaman, M.S.Islam, M.Khanam and S. T.Hossain. Site Characterization Report and Research Plan for Dassanaraynpur village.. Published by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.